Thursday, August 27, 2009

The difference between HTML&XML ......

How fantastic to be member in this valuable group!! I appreciate being in this group as we can express our ideas and exchange knowledge. XML and HTML are different and they both have different goals. They are designed for different purposes. Actually, XML is used to hold data and data is well described. However, HTML is used to display the data in a formatted way. According to these basic definitions I can come up with the definition of XHTML, and the differences between HTML, XTHML, and XML.
1-What is XHTML?
XHTML, or Extensible Hypertext Markup Language is one of the most modern building materials for creating web pages. As a computer programming language that is supported by web browsers and a growing number of other applications, XHTML's purpose it to provide formatting to content using Markup.
2-What is the difference between HTML, XTHML, and XML?
XHTML is a transitional step from previous markup languages such as SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and HTML(Hypertext Markup Language). XHTML is very similar to HTML as it shares the same expressive possibilities, but has a stricter syntax (more rules/practices to follow).Whereas HTML was an application of SGML,a very flexible markup language, XHTML is an application of XML, a more restrictive subset of SGML. Currently web browsing technologies support XHTML and HTML, but cannot however support XML in it's original form. XML must be transformed and delivered into a document browsing technologies can understand, the general choice is XHTML.
Mufida Ali Ghwela. P48346

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