Alsalamo alikom,
Each of the following models describes a learning theory and how that learning theory can be applied to improving online teaching and training materials.
First of all, the ASSURE model is an ISD (Instructional Systems Design) process that was modified to be used by teachers in the regular classroom. The ISD process is one in which teachers and trainers can use to design and develop the most appropriate learning environment for their students. Also this process can be used in writing lesson plans and in improving teaching and learning.
According to Gane’s there are nine events of instruction which include:
1.Gain attention - Start by gaining your learners' attention using an analogy, anecdote, paradox, photograph, magazine article, demonstrations or any other media.
2. Inform learner of objectives - Describe what you plan to achieve, what learners will be doing and what they may be using.
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning - Relate your new lesson to situations or knowledge that your learners are already familiar with.
4. Present stimuli with distinctive features - Describe the key points in your lesson, emphasizing distinctive features, using a variety of techniques if possible.
5. Guide learning - Present your instruction in small steps (chunking) leading from simple to complex.
6. Elicit performance - Involve learners in questioning, discussion and demonstration to confirm that they have learnt from your instruction.
7. Provide feedback - As learners respond to your questioning, provide them with reinforcement or remediation when necessary.
8. Assess performance - Use a quiz or assignment to confirm mastery of your objectives.
9. Enhance retention and learning transfer - Provide the opportunity for learners to apply the outcome of their training in a real world environment.
The ASSURE model incorporates Robert Gagne's events of instruction to assure effective use of media in instruction. Actually, the ASSURE model is based on six:
Analyze learners: Before you can begin, you must know your target audience (your students).
State objectives: Objectives are the learning outcomes, that is, what will the student get out of the lesson?
Select instructional methods, media, and materials: you are ready to select the:
• Instructional method that is most appropriate to meet the objectives.
• Media that would be best suited to work with your instructional method, the objectives, and your students.
• Materials that provide your students with the help they need in mastering the objectives.
Utilize media and materials: You should always preview the materials before using them in a class and you should also use the equipment in advance to be sure it works and you know how to use it.
Require learner participation: You should involve the students in the learning process because students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning.
Evaluate and revise: The teachers must reflect upon the lesson, the stated objectives, the instructional strategy, the instructional materials, and the assessment and determine if these elements of the lesson were effective or if one or more of them need to be changed the next time the lesson is done.
To sum up, by comparing the two models ADDIE and ASSURE we can say that in spite their differences they used to achieve the same goal which is how to provide the learners with an appropriate lesson by using Instructional Systems Design process.
Mufida Ali Ghwela. P48346